Tracking cases that protect freedom of expression, association, and assembly

Location: Guatemala

According to the CIVICUS Monitor, civic space in Guatemala is rated as “repressed” after being downgraded from the “obstructed” category in 2022. CSOs have expressed concern over the erosion of judicial independence that has enabled the reduction of the space for civil society and independent press. Freedom of association and political rights are at risk after the judicial actions aimed at delegitimising the results of the presidential elections in 2023.


During the past year, authorities pursued abusive prosecutions of social justice advocates and operators. Systematic repression and criminalisation have forced prosecutors and judges who worked against corruption and impunity into exile since April 2021.


Human rights defenders have faced a rise in harassment and violence, while the institutional spaces for monitoring their situation and ensuring their protection are weakened. Attacks on HRDs rose sharply in 2020 and 2021, with over a thousand cases documented each year. In 2023, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights confirmed that three journalists were killed in direct connection with their work.


Judicial harassment has also been one of the main tactics adopted by power holders to intimidate and repress dissenting voices and the independent press. In 2022, at least 61 cases of criminalisation of journalists and human rights defenders were documented by the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights.  


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