Tracking cases that protect freedom of expression, association, and assembly

Location: Honduras

According to the CIVICUS Monitor, civic space in Honduras is rated as “repressed”. Early in December 2022, President Xiomara Castro declared a state of exception in several regions of Honduras to address gang violence. An executive decree suspended fundamental guarantees that include freedom of association and assembly.  Hundreds of security agents were deployed to urban areas particularly affected by organised crime. The state of exception has been extended several times, the latest lasting  until 6th October 2023.


Human rights groups have warned of an escalation in killings of human rights defenders and campesino groups in the Bajo Aguán region of Honduras. Armed attacks and threats against regional campesino cooperatives continue in the region. 


The attacks against freedom of expression, particularly against journalists, persist in Honduras. The government in Honduras has not made an effort to build consistent alliances with civil society or to build new foundations for open and transparent public administration. 


For more information about the country, visit: 


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