Tracking cases that protect freedom of expression, association, and assembly
These cases concern violations of the freedom of assembly and the freedom of expression in Uganda, where environmental defenders protesting the East African Crude Oil Pipeline (EACOP) have faced criminal charges for peacefully demonstrating against the project.
Carlos Choc is a Mayan community journalist who has faced constant criminalization since 2017, as a result of his work documenting and investigating environmental rights violations. There is one on-going criminal proceeding against Mr. Choc.
Schirlei Alves is journalist targeted with six different lawsuits because she published a newspaper article denouncing the Brazilian justice system’s institutional violence and revictimization against Mariana Ferrer, a victim of sexual violence. The article referred to the abundance of gender stereotypes and other legal irregularities during Ferrer’s trial. After a defamation lawsuit was filed by…
Milena Quiroz is an Afro-descendant leader and human rights defender. She is a legal representative of the Comisión de Interlocución del Sur de Bolívar, Centro y Sur del Cesar (CISBCSC) (Interlocution Commission of Sure de Bolívar, Centro, and Sur del Cesar), a member of the Cooperativa Multiactiva de Arenal (Comuarenal) (Arenal Multiactive Cooperative) and the…
Indigenous journalist Norma Sancir was detained and beaten when she was covering a demonstration in September 2014. More than eight years later, the criminal procedure against the four police agents responsible for the attack is still on-going, as a result of intentional delays caused by the agents’ defense.
This case discusses an amparo action filed by a group of journalists against a sale that consolidated Grupo El Comercio, a publishing company, as a media monopoly in Peru. The latest appeal is still pending.
Nine women journalists from Colombia filed a tutela petition, asking for measures to be taken in order to protect them from the online sexist attacks they had been suffering, as a result of their work disseminating information of public interest or related to the actions of different political parties and actors. In May 2023, the…
The General Law of Communication, which was passed on May 11, 2018, did not comply with international standards on freedom of expression, access to information and government advertising. Even though a 2017 Supreme Court ruling ordered the Congress to fix these issues, the latest changes to the Law are still contrary to international standards.
Journalist Miroslava Breach was murdered on March 23, 2017. Even though two men have been convicted for the crime, there are two arrest warrants still pending.
This case concerns a violation of the freedom of the press and freedom of expression in Togo, in which Mr. Ferdinand Ayité and his newspaper, L’Alternative, face criminal proceedings for denouncing corruption within members of the public organization Petroleum Product Price Fluctuation Monitoring Committee (CSFPP).