Tracking cases that protect freedom of expression, association, and assembly
According to the CIVICUS Monitor, civic space in Colombia is rated as “repressed”. Freedom of association is at high risk, with killings of human rights defenders (HRDs) and social leaders reaching a record high in 2022. The violence correlates with operations by illegal armed groups that dispute territorial control of drug trafficking routes.
In 2023, freedom of expression also experienced difficulties, with various cases of human rights violations towards journalists being reported such as attacks and killings of journalists, intimidation by criminal gangs on media outlets, and gender-based violence against women journalists.
On 7th August 2022, soon after taking office, President Gustavo Petro announced that he would implement a peace effort to end violence in Colombia. The Total Peace policy is a multifaceted effort that seeks to minimise violence, protect civilians and dismantle the many armed groups operating in Colombia. Petro situated the implementation of the 2016 peace agreement as a core component of the policy as well as a dialogue process with the dissidents of the extinct FARC guerrilla group.
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Milena Quiroz is an Afro-descendant leader and human rights defender. She is a legal representative of the Comisión de Interlocución del Sur de Bolívar, Centro y Sur del Cesar (CISBCSC) (Interlocution Commission of Sure de Bolívar, Centro, and Sur del Cesar), a member of the Cooperativa Multiactiva de Arenal (Comuarenal) (Arenal Multiactive Cooperative) and the…
On October 5, 2017, in the rural area of Puerto Rico-Majate, municipality of Tumaco, Nariño, a protest took place against the forced eradication of coca crops. As a result of the violent repression of the protest by the police, seven protesters were killed, some of them indigenous. The police forces stated that the deaths had…
Nine women journalists from Colombia filed a tutela petition, asking for measures to be taken in order to protect them from the online sexist attacks they had been suffering, as a result of their work disseminating information of public interest or related to the actions of different political parties and actors. In May 2023, the…
The Movimiento Nacional de Víctimas de Crímenes de Estado (MOVICE) (National Movement of Victims of State Crimes) has painted on several occasions the mural “¿Quién dio la orden?” (“Who gave the order?”), which identifies several members of the military responsible for human rights violations currently under investigation by the Jurisdicción Especial para la Paz (JEP)…
Dilan Cruz was killed while participating in the demonstrations that took place on November 23, 2019, in Colombia. Thanks to Dilan’s family’s efforts, in June 2021 the Constitutional Court referred the case to the ordinary justice system, where it continues to be heard today; up until that moment the case was tried before the military…
The Comunidad de Paz de San José de Apartadó (Peace Community of San José de Apartadó) is known for its neutrality in the face of the internal armed conflict and the extreme violence against it during that time. In May 2021, the Sala Plena de la Corte Constitucional (Plenary Session of the Constitutional Court) ratified…